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Name: ZHAO Xiaochun ( 37684 Star )
Address: Beibei, Chongqing, P.R.China    Zip: 400712
Brief Intro: Awarded PhD on 1999 from University of Sydney. Took the director position of Germplasm and Breeding Lab in CRI on 2012. Research areas including citrus germplasm management, breeding, and functional gene research.

Personal Introduction:

 Awarded PhD on 1999 from University of Sydney. Worked in Plant Breed Institute, University of Sydney on plant genetics and breeding, molecular genetics, plant tissue culture and cereal chemistry for over ten years. Took the director position of the Section of Germplasm and Breeding in Citrus Research Institute, CAAS on 2012. Current research areas including citrus germplasm management, citrus breeding, and identification and isolation of important function genes for genetic improvement of citrus.

Detail Information:


Name: ZHAO Xiaochun (IN CHINESE: 赵晓春)

Tel: 86-023-68349606




Address: Beibei, Chongqing, P.R.China    Zip: 400712
           (IN CHINESE: 重庆市北碚区歇马镇柑桔村15号)

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